

The US military uses the Air Force computer system SACCS (Strategic Automated Command and Control System) and 8-inch floppy disks, which have been used since the 1970s at the stage when the president issued orders to launch nuclear missiles. This fact was introduced in the US CBS documentary in 2014 and shocked.

But now the US nuclear missile system has also changed. The US Strategic Command said it has replaced the floppy disk used in this system with a secure SSD digital storage solution.

In 2016, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that it would replace SACCS, which was operating on IBM Series 1 (Series/1), by the end of 2017, expand data storage ports, and update desktop and mobile terminals. After that, the US military did not further disclose whether the system was updated.

As storage shifts from floppy to digital, the risk of not being able to read floppies is reduced. Of course, it’s an old-fashioned system, but the U.S. military is said to be confident in the security of this system. Iran also said that the system does not have a network function, so it cannot be intruded unless someone has direct access to the system. Of course, on the contrary, some pointed out that the problem is that it is not easy to change to a completely new system. Related information can be found here .



通过每月的AHC PC和HowPC杂志时代,他在网络IT媒体上观看了“技术时代”,如ZDNet,电子报互联网经理,Consumer Journal Ivers的编辑,TechHolic出版商和Venture Square的编辑。 我很好奇这个仍然充满活力的市场。

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