

Mobile payment systems are drawing attention as a convenient payment method. In the US, an analysis found that Apple Pay is becoming the most popular mobile payment method beyond Starbucks.

According to an eMarketer report, by the end of 2019, 30.3 million people are expected to use Apple Pay in the United States. This exceeds 25.2 million 39.4% of Starbucks, which occupies 47.3% of the market, 12.10 million Google Pay, and 100.8 million Samsung Pay, which is the third place.

The advancement of Apple Pay is attributed to the spread of NFC payment systems that support Apple Pay, an analyst on the marketer side. You can easily see NFC payment devices in overseas supermarkets. Related information can be found here .



通过每月的AHC PC和HowPC杂志时代,他在网络IT媒体上观看了“技术时代”,如ZDNet,电子报互联网经理,Consumer Journal Ivers的编辑,TechHolic出版商和Venture Square的编辑。 我很好奇这个仍然充满活力的市场。

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