
重达200kg …大型货物运输用无人机

Velodrone is a large cargo drone announced by German flying car company Volocopter. It is not for carrying people, but for carrying luggage. This drone has almost the same size and design as the Volocopter 2X, which carries humans. The 18 rotors can be turned on electricity to fly in the sky, and the planned route can be controlled by autonomous flight or remote control.

The screen is mounted between the legs. In addition to cargo boxes, they can also be hung on nets, such as drug spreaders used in agriculture, disaster relief tools, and larger ones. The maximum payload is 200 kg, the maximum flight distance is 40 km, and the maximum speed is 110 km/h. The size of the aircraft is 9.2m in diameter and 2.3m in height.

Numerous flying car companies are targeting city personnel transportation. On the other hand, there are few companies that want to enter cargo transportation compared to personnel transportation. The Velocopter side only reveals the near future when Velodron will actually fly. The Velocity 2-seater version, intended for transporting personnel, is expected to start service within 2-4 years. The first country to serve may be Singapore, which recently conducted a demonstration flight. Related information can be found here .



通过每月的AHC PC和HowPC杂志时代,他在网络IT媒体上观看了“技术时代”,如ZDNet,电子报互联网经理,Consumer Journal Ivers的编辑,TechHolic出版商和Venture Square的编辑。 我很好奇这个仍然充满活力的市场。

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