
儿童订阅服务“ Spotify Kids”

On October 30 (local time), Spotify launched a service called Spotify Kids, an application for children. Spotify Kids, released for iOS and Android, first released a beta version in Ireland.

Spotify Kids is a target age of 3 or older, and has carefully selected 6,000 songs and stories used in movies such as Disney, Discovery Kids, and Universal Pictures. Family plan registration is required to use, and guardians can set up content filtering for their child’s accounts. It is also a structure that allows parents to listen to more artist music by changing the age limit as the child grows.

Spotify Kids’ UI has simplified the overall creation so that even kids can seamlessly search for songs or create playlists. In addition, you can select your account image from 12 types of monster avatars, and the app color will change depending on the monster avatar you choose.

Spotify said it is considering providing services in other countries and regions in the future after the beta launch in Ireland. Related information can be found here .



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