

It is reported that DJI is developing an app that allows anyone to detect nearby drones.

According to reports, this drone detection technology uses Wi-Fi. Through a smartphone, you can know the drone identification number and location, altitude, speed, and direction of travel. The pressure to manage drones flying in the air continues to rise. Drones are not only dangerous if they collide with people or buildings, they can also be used for spy or monitoring purposes, and can be a serious danger near airplanes or airports.

According to DJI, the drone app is capable of detecting all recently manufactured drones within 1 km of its surroundings. DJI has unveiled its drone detection system, AeroScope.

The drone app is expected to appear in 2020 as soon as it is approved by the authorities. If this app comes out, it can act as a radar that can determine the location and number of drones around. Related information can be found here .



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