

Microsoft has announced that it will end support for Cortana’s iOS and Android apps, its voice recognition assistant feature.

Reportedly, Judgment Day is January 31, 2020. However, in the United States, support continues and ends in eight countries, including the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Mexico, China, Spain, and India. So what will Cortana be like in the future? Microsoft CEO Satia Nadella admits that Konata isn’t ripping shoulder to shoulder with Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, and is now revealing a policy to focus on Outlook or Microsoft 365 AI Assistant.

Cortana can sync with Windows 10 to use notifications or tasks. Features such as notifications and tasks that have been used in Cortana so far are said to be available in the Microsoft To Do application. Related information can be found here .



通过每月的AHC PC和HowPC杂志时代,他在网络IT媒体上观看了“技术时代”,如ZDNet,电子报互联网经理,Consumer Journal Ivers的编辑,TechHolic出版商和Venture Square的编辑。 我很好奇这个仍然充满活力的市场。

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