

Google Assistant Ambient Mode will appear in the first week of December.

Ambient mode is a function that displays various notifications or smart home operation panels on the screen of a smartphone or tablet that is being charged, so that you can use it like a smart display. It changes the screen display like a smart display when charging a digital device such as a smartphone, and provides it in an integrated form in the Google app. Time and temperature are displayed at the top of the screen, and notifications such as message, weather, and flight time are displayed at the bottom. There is a smart home operation panel below, and it is possible to switch the frame mode to continuously show photos in the form of a slideshow.

Google said that it was intended to speed up the task attainment for the purpose of installing the ambient mode, and that it plans to implement a number of similar functions in the future. Google said that the ambient mode will be available in the first week of December, and the target devices are Nokia and Xiaomi that support Android 8 or higher operating systems, some smartphones and some Lenovo tablets. Pixels are out of support.



通过每月的AHC PC和HowPC杂志时代,他在网络IT媒体上观看了“技术时代”,如ZDNet,电子报互联网经理,Consumer Journal Ivers的编辑,TechHolic出版商和Venture Square的编辑。 我很好奇这个仍然充满活力的市场。

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